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Communication that Leads

Become the leader no one can compete with by becoming the speaker people cancel their plans to hear.

Presentation Transformation
Turn the front of the room into your competitive advantage.

The front of the room is where you can stand out from your competition. This highly-interactive, full-day, in-person seminar will transform how your teams approaches presentations and put them on the path to become leaders no one can compete with.


Moving Between Room & Zoom

Effective communication and leadership now requires the ability to deliver a consistent message in person and in the virtual space. Understanding how to move seamlessly between in-person and virtual helps you become a leader no one can compete with.

We can show you and your team how to do it.

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Lights, Camera, Coaching
Media Coaching

The Sandusky Group’s media coaching will show you and your team how to prepare, practice, and perform for any media interview.

Our programs are highly interactive with extensive on-camera and simulated interview practice.

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Accelerate Your Leadership. Elevate Your Success.A customized, individual program to take you there.
Present like a Leader: Our 1-on-1 Leadership Communication Coaching Program

Become a speaker and presenter that people cancel plans to hear in one month, without having to leave your home or office—even if you get nervous in front of the room, Zoom, or camera.

Gerry works with a select number of professionals, 1-on-1, in a virtual setting to help them increase their confidence, improve their presentation and communication skills, and leadership presence.

This program is designed for rising leaders who want to accelerate their careers.


Become the speaker people cancel plans to hear
TED & Keynote Speech Coaching

Leverage the Power of the Stage for Effective Leadership.

Whether you are delivering a TED-style talk or a keynote you want to WOW the audience.

Gerry's proven, step-by-step process will transform the stage into your competitive super power, helping you become a leader no one can compete with.

<span style="color:rgba(2, 33, 54, 1)">Become the speaker people cancel plans to hear</span>

Engage, Amaze, and Influence
Gerry's Keynote Talks

Gerry Sandusky brings years of experience as a communicator, a broadcaster, a coach, and business owner to your audience as an insightful, passionate, engaging, and entertaining, motivational public speaker. Gerry will inspire and rejuvenate your audience. He takes his topics and your needs seriously but Gerry does it using a fun, and appropriate, sense of humor.


Transform Your Presentation Skills
Presentation Transformation

This is our flagship program, an in-person seminar designed to help members of your team transform their skills and their impact using presentations.

Step confidently into the spotlight, engage audiences, craft your distinct brand, and master your message.

Conquer nerves, elevate your delivery, and shine in front of any crowd.

Transform your presentations in one day and lead the way!

Your team will learn the following:

  • How to transform stage fright into a positive resource
  • What belongs in your presentation—and what doesn’t
  • How to use body language to support your message
  • An easy-to-follow, repeatable process for putting your presentations together
  • The most effective way to use PowerPoint—if you need to use it at all
  • How to read your audience and discover what they really want from your presentation
  • Techniques for getting your audience involved in your presentation
  • The power of storytelling to bring your presentation to life
  • How to eliminate annoying habits and words from your presentation
  • And much, much more.
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Invisible Influence - The Story Telling Seminar

Using the power of story effectively is one of the secrets to masterful presentations, meetings, and communication.

In this seminar, your team will learn how to identify the right stories to use, where to use stories, how to use stories, and how to keep track of stories so you can engage, amaze, and influence audiences.

Stories help us set the tone for a presentation or meeting, make a key point and compel an audience to take action.

Stories connect us. They build an emotional bridge that in turn gives a presenter or meeting leader far greater influence with his or her audience.

This four-hour program will empower your team with the following:

  • Where to find high-impact stories that are appropriate for your exact needs.
  • An eight-step, modular process for building your stories.
  • How to tell a story so your audience feels it is part of the story and so the story helps you convey everything from a desired tone to specific action steps.
  • A strategic approach to deciding where in your presentation or meeting to use stories.
  • How to access your stories at a moment’s notice.
  • Why stories captive an audience in a way that data alone can’t.

Everyone has access to unlimited stories. The key is knowing where to look. The Invisible Influence seminar will show you and your team where stories are always waiting for you.

Using stories effectively means using them in ways your audience doesn’t see coming. That’s why we call the program Invisible Influence. This seminar will show you how to find, how to build, and how to deliver those stories.


Accelerate Your Leadership. Elevate Your Success.A customized, individual program to take you there.
Present like a Leader: Our 1-on-1 Leadership Communication Coaching Program

Present ideas that move people with TED Talk level presentation skills and become a leader no one can compete with. In as little as one month! Without having to leave your home or office—even if you get nervous in front of a room, Zoom, or camera

Gerry works with a select number of professionals, 1-on-1, to help them learn how to...

  • Structure talks, meetings, and presentations for maximum effectiveness
  • Find and tell stories that influence audiences
  • Design multi-media that captivates audiences
  • Deliver information in ways people remember and are inspired to take action

All in a memorable way that helps you stand out from peers in your organization and industry.

  • Designed for leaders and emerging leaders who want to expand their influence.
  • Fully customizable around the communication challenges and opportunities you want to master.


Program Outline:

Three, 90-minute sessions. 

A fourth, one-hour session.

We begin with brand. We begin by identifying your unique brand as a professional, what makes you unique as a leader, a coach, a professional. This will guide us as we help you grow as a presenter and a communicator.

Grow in impact and influence. You will learn the art of storytelling, the architecture of presentation, and mastery of virtual communication, all combining to help you become a leader no one can compete with.

Work Together Around Your Schedule. We build our time together around your calendar. We even offer evening hours if that's more convenient for you. .

Immediate Impact. Because we are focusing only on you, you can expect to see immediate improvement and insight as we work together.

Stand Apart from the Competition. Most people aren't willing to do the work to be truly outstanding. This 1-on-1 work will make you stand out and enjoy a competitive advantage over your peers and your competition.

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Moving between Room to Zoom

Meetings and Presentations in a Post-Pandemic Environment.

How teams engage in the current- and post-pandemic environment will be strikingly unlike how we’ve operated previously. Teams already are connecting in new ways and will need to improve how they engage and communicate in a two-dimensional “virtual” environment.

Moving a program, meeting, or conference, from in-person to online is not as simple as standing in front of your laptop camera and talking. The right strategy, skills and approach make all the difference.

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Create a competitive advantage for your team with customized online presentation training tailored to your specific meeting and presentation needs.

Programs address multiple aspects of virtual communications – from getting comfortable and understanding how to connect with your audience in front of the camera to improving remote presentation skills

Make Online Presentations a Competitive Advantage for Your Organization:

  • Learn reproducible strategies for developing and delivering presentations online
  • Create audience engagement, not fatigue
  • Improve comfort and confidence in your team
  • Communicate more effectively in remote settings
  • Employ techniques that transform team presentations, ensuring smooth transitions and leveraging individual talents

What Participants Find Most Helpful
  • "Immediately useful. Put what I learned to use that day!"
  • "Individual feedback, about challenges I didn’t realize I could improve upon..."
  • "Helpful to see others having similar issues… I can recognize my own issues in them…"
  • "The power of storytelling…"
  • "Direct feedback on personal strengths/weaknesses…"
  • "The concrete tips/strategies + presentation practice coupled with honest feedback/critiques…"
  • "Pointers on how best to connect with your audience and things that I can do to perform better on camera."
  • "Input on how the voice and body language are received."

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Lights, Camera, Coaching
Media Coaching

We developed our media coaching, based on Gerry Sandusky’s three plus decades of experience. Gerry has worked on-air in TV and Radio as a broadcaster and the play-by-play voice of the NFL's Baltimore Ravens.

Through his experience he has developed proprietary models, The Perception Pyramid and the Core-4, to help professionals quickly acclimate and communicate through the media.

Our programs are highly interactive with extensive on-camera and simulated interview practice.

Your will learn the following:

  • Establish and manage your message in the media
  • Understand audiences perception of individuals and organizations that appear in the media
  • Deliver key points in soundbites and quotes that support and reinforce branding efforts
  • Stay on point and avoid diluting your message in interviews
  • Develop on camera skills set ranging from wardrobe recommendations to body language that supports your brand and message for each participant
  • Coordinate public relations efforts with media appearances
  • Utilize media specific skills for handling TV, radio, Internet, and print-based interviews
  • Handle negative interview situations
  • Use media appearances in conjunction with social media to maximize the impact of media exposure
  • Develop confidence and clarity in delivering messages in the media
Very excited to learn over the weekend that the Ravens

Engage, Amaze, & Influence
Gerry's Keynote Speeches

Gerry's keynotes are designed to help leaders and organizations develop and trust their ability to communicate a vision and a clear path to a desired outcome so others will trust and follow them.   

Leadership communication is a mindset and a skill set of influence. Gerry will show you how to develop both.

Learn to believe in yourself so others will too.

Master the art of navigating the unexpected.

A popular keynote and breakout speaker at conferences, business meetings, and retreats, Gerry’s topics include the following:

  • The Perception Pyramid™-The Secret Behind How We Really Communicate

  • The Lighthouse Effect—Tapping into the power of vision and perception to become a more effective leader

  • Above the Visible Line: the secrets of effective leadership communication

  • The Business of Winning: Using sports as a model, not a metaphor for success

  • Refresh, Recharge, Refocus: Developing more effective ways than embracing the grind to success for the long haul
Gerry Sandusky Keynote Examples

Become the speaker people cancel plans to hear
TED & Keynote Speech Coaching

Leverage the Power of the Stage for Effective Leadership.

Whether you are delivering a TED-style talk or a keynote you want to WOW the audience.

Getting a standing ovation and leaving a meaningful impact starts with understanding how to prepare, practice, and perform.

We'll show you how to shine in the brightest of spotlights.

Gerry's coaching will show you how to prepare, practice, and perform. By the time you leave the stage you will have engaged, amazed, and influenced your audience in a way that will leave the saying, you are a natural. Gerry's program is build around discovering your natural strengths and objectives:

  • Overcome anxiety-Performance anxiety is natural. So is conquering it.
  • Finding your big idea—All great talks revolve around a big idea. Gerry will help you uncover yours.
  • Deliniating what does and doesn't belong: Understanding what your audience wants will help guide what you create.
  • Mastering Platform Skills: You do more than speak to an audience. Body language, tone of voice, appearance all play a critical role in your success.
  • Dare to Share: You have an important message to share. We want to help you share it in a way that maximizes your impact and enhances your influence.

You will learn the following:

  • How to discover your big idea
  • How to use the power of perception to your advantage
  • How to build your professional brand from the stage—even if you don't know your brand yet!
  • The Core-4 and why that’s your real boss
  • How to use the power of stories to get others to take action faster and more effectively
  • How to structure your talk for maximum impact
  • What multi-media to use and what it should look like
  • How to practice your talk to save time
  • How to perform so your talk has maximum impact, leaves a lasting impression, and gets people to take action
  • And much, much, more
Public speaking - Audience and speaker

Let's talk
We want to help you become a leader no one can compete with.