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Communication & Collaboration
November 23, 2022 at 5:00 AM
by Megan Cooper

Though modern companies can involve teams spread across the globe, innovative tools and techniques allow for more collaboration. Experts estimate that the online collaboration market will experience over $1 billion in growth over a five-year span. Review how your company can take advantage of the benefits of improved collaboration.

Acquire Tech Tools to Facilitate the Process

Collaborative document editing on shared files allows your teams to stay on the same page during projects and take advantage of real-time input and direction from others. Instead of emailing a mountain of files back and forth and waiting for responses, assemble project files into one PDF using an online PDF combiner tool. Folks won't have to track down various documents, saving everyone time. The tool makes it easy to arrange and rearrange pages in the correct order.

Collaborative apps and platforms also improve communication and teamwork. Email can be inefficient for quick responses. Social messaging software can put a worldwide team in appropriate groups for rapid answers to time-sensitive questions. Status notifications keep everyone abreast of when a team member is unavailable.

Calendar apps are another useful tool. Instead of repeatedly messaging to find a convenient time to schedule a video conference, linked calendars let management teams know when employees and contractors are busy. Meetings can be organized quickly, and alerts remind attendees of the appointment.

Reward Collaboration

Highlight teamwork in addition to individual success. When a salesperson or manager gets a big win, celebrate the unsung heroes behind the accomplishment. Some positions don't receive as much prominence, and you must make it a point to draw attention to the vital tasks those workers perform. Weekly team meetings are an excellent time to comment on team success with specific commendations.

Create a Collaborative Culture

Be enthusiastic about teamwork in your internal messaging. Hone your presentation skills to craft more interactive meetings and talks that encourage expression. Define your goals for collaboration and establish clear KPIs to measure progress.

Craft a company mission that unifies the group toward a single purpose. Employees need more reason than a salary to put their hearts into the work. Highlight your organization's beneficial impact on the community and how it connects to the overall mission. Every team member should be able to succinctly state the company's vision and mission, which all should keep top of mind to focus on the bigger picture.

Your example as a leader adds weight to your guidance. Remain open to input from all team members about suggestions for their departments and other areas of expertise that may not be in their job assignment. Hold regular one-on-ones as a means to give and receive feedback.

Improve the In-Person and Virtual Office Experience

Discomfort causes people to draw inward. A comfortable workspace creates an environment of open communication. Decorate office areas in an inviting manner for in-person workers. Supply amenities that improve ergonomics and connectivity. Display trust in virtual workers and don't micromanage their day. Security and productivity are essential, but your team shouldn't feel like you're constantly looking over their shoulders.

Encourage Professional Development and Learning

A sense of growth and advancement inspires people and gets them to communicate passionately. Share insights and resources with your employees that enable them to move laterally to assignments in other departments or progress to supervisory positions. The flow of ideas and personalities can "cross-pollinate" divisions with fresh perspectives and innovation.

These recommendations enable you to boost collaboration in a short time. Increased worker satisfaction, higher profits, and greater productivity can be yours when you strive to improve workplace collaboration. Finally, take a look at The Sandusky Group’s available programs to enhance leadership.

Image via Pexels

By: Megan Cooper